Affordable computer repair and custom website design. Several long-term satisfied clients throughout Lincoln City and the Oregon coast. Most computer repair jobs are referred from satisfied clients. If your problem is beyond my capability, I will let you know—no time wasted.
You have probably visited one of many local companies that power their business with my custom computers or networks. As an Oregon Coast native, I have worked with local restaurants, banks, clinics, Real Estate offices, bars, hotels and more. To learn more about my Lincoln City computer repair business, and Jimmy Rigged Computers, click here.
One of my custom built computers has been powering a plate setter locally. This plate setter is an imaging technology used in modern printing processes. In this technology, an image created in a Desktop Publishing application is output directly to a printing plate. My computer powers the negative lithographic printing plate. To continue reading click here
I have installed many networks in town. The majority of them have been running strong for years without any problem. I have a network at a local business that does high volume of customers. A lot of traffic and abuse and yet my network I running strong. The funny thing about this one in particular is that it is still on windows 98. Yes you heard me right-- no need to upgrade because it is still running strong. Also I can work on any os out there.
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